Hello, my name is

Zachary DiNucci

I am a Game Developer with a bachelor's degree from Boise State's College of Innovation and Design through their Games Interactive Media and Mobile Technology (GIMM) program and an associate's degree in History.

You will find examples of single-player, multiplayer, AR, and VR games in Unity and Unreal Engine. These games are a mixture of solo and group projects primarily done in the last two years, and some can be found on Itch.io and Github.

Test FPS

About this Game

This game is currently work in progress. It is meant to be an arena FPS game reliant on fast movement and aim. It utilizes PUN 2.0 for multiplayer networking. Currently the player can join, swap weapons, shoot, reload, and kill whoever else joins. Most of the art is temporary right now but the Gun assets come from a Polygon asset pack. For the menu’s the player can create and join lobbies and start the lobby when players join.

Future Plans

I am currently finishing the basic shooting mechanisms such as recoil to the game. I then plan to add powerups/pickups such as health packs, ammo, and extra damage pickups. After these will be the game rules, this will be the basic game mode with points, scoreboard and maybe teams. Finally I want to update the art, sound, and add animations for things such as movement and reloading. These plans will let me continue to learn the proper way to create these types of games as well as hopefully adding my own twist to the standard arena shooter.

See The Code