Multiplayer Bomber
About this Game
Choose your side. Are you easy to maneuver but hard to aim air crafts or the hard to move but powerful AA cannon? This multiplayer fight is one v three as we see how can win and if numbers can overcome or will power win.
About the Development
Multiplayer Bomber was the third game created with the group that created PIG and Quack Attack. This game was a Unity Multiplayer game using Photon to have two teams battle for domination. This game didn’t work as we hoped because we were using stuff from our second game, which used machine learning to teach bots to attack the player. However, those assets were not built with Photon in mind, so their interactions inevitably failed. However, I still made a multiplayer game with a lobby where the players would connect using Photon. I think of this game as a lesson for creating a game using Pun, and I plan to make a new Multiplayer game soon.