Hello, my name is

Zachary DiNucci

I am a Game Developer with a bachelor's degree from Boise State's College of Innovation and Design through their Games Interactive Media and Mobile Technology (GIMM) program and an associate's degree in History.

You will find examples of single-player, multiplayer, AR, and VR games in Unity and Unreal Engine. These games are a mixture of solo and group projects primarily done in the last two years, and some can be found on Itch.io and Github.

Arena Shooter

About this Game

This game is currently a work in progress, I am using Unreal Engine and C++ to create a Multiplayer Shooter following a Udemy tutorial for most of the basics. I am still working through the tutorials but when I finish there will be more weapons and features. My plan after is to create a few new game modes and see if I can change some aspects of the game like teams and hosting. The goal of this game initially is to get better familiarity with Unreal along with C++. I hope to have almost everything done by the winter so I can play the game with friends to test and enjoy it.

The game currently works by having 1 player click host in the main menu and opens a listen server waiting for other players to join in the lobby. Once a threshold has been reached, we move the players into the lobby where they get 10 seconds to fly around and explore. Then the players’ Pawns are spawned in, and this enables them to move around, pick up guns and shoot each other. As players get eliminations, they are given points and at the end of the game, depending on who has the most points, they get displayed on the winning screen. After, the game cools down for 10 seconds and then restarts into a new round. The game uses replicated variables and RPC events to get data to and from each other player and makes sure gameplay is smooth. While I haven’t gotten to the lag compensation parts of the tutorials it is upcoming and should make things even smoother. All the visual assets come from an asset pack I bought from Synty and I plan to make my own map for the gameplay using these assets.